Current Research Projects

UBC Perfectionism Treatment Study

Perfectionism involves demanding perfection of oneself or others and being harshly critical. Depression, anxiety, relationship problems and other personal problems are also associated with perfectionism. To help individuals struggling with perfectionism, UBC’s Perfectionism & Psychotherapy Lab­ is conducting a study on psychotherapy treatments for perfectionism.

If perfectionism is negatively affecting your interpersonal relations, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, and mental health, contact us today.


In this study, we are comparing two group treatment approaches to perfectionism, with the purpose of determining which approach is most effective for reducing perfectionistic behaviors. If you meet the phone screening criteria, you will be asked to come to UBC for an initial assessment to further determine your eligibility to participate in this study. The initial assessment will be 2 to 3 hours, and it involves an interview with an experienced senior PhD clinical psychology student where you will talk about the difficulties you are experiencing with perfectionism, as well as complete some questionnaires. If eligible, you’ll be participating in a 12-week group psychotherapy session.

Both treatments are expected to be beneficial. You will be asked to come to UBC Point Grey campus for 1 orientation session and 12 weekly, 1.5 hour sessions of group psychotherapy, but you should expect to spend around 2 hours with us for each session so there is time to speak with the researcher and to fill out some questionnaires. There will be questionnaires for you to complete throughout the treatment and also after the treatment has ended. All therapy sessions will be video recorded, but your identity will be protected as all videos will be stored on a secure database and identifying information will not be shared. Any information we collect from you will be used for research or training purposes as will explained in the consent form.

Child Perfectionism Study

Please note, we are not currently looking for participants.

The Child Perfectionism Study (CPS) is a four year long study that looks at how perfectionism develops in the family context and how it relates to different interpersonal relationships in young adolescents (8 to 15 years old). This research can help us understand how children develop and what we can do to improve relationships and family dynamics. 

In the first year, this study is two hours long. In the first hour, both parents and children complete an online questionnaire that asks about personality, behaviour, and family environment. In the second hour of the study, children take part in a videotaped interview that asks about the child’s family relationships. 

Because the CPS is a longitudinal study, we follow up with parents and children for three more years to take part in an online questionnaire to gather information on the developmental period during the child’s transition to high school, an important time when relationships evolve.