Volunteer as a Research Assistant in the Lab

Please note, we are not currently hiring research assistants.

We are looking for volunteer research assistants who are available to work in-person and can commit to a minimum of 8 hours/week.

Tasks include recruiting and scheduling research participants, conducting literature review, coding, data entry, manuscript preparation, as well as performing other administrative tasks in the laboratory. Training on all skills necessary for the position will be provided. Other educational opportunities are available through regular lab meetings and seminars. Supervision will be provided by graduate students and senior undergraduate research assistants in our lab. If you are interested in volunteering as a research assistant in the Perfectionism and Psychotherapy Lab, please upload your resume/cv, a copy of your unofficial transcript, and your weekly availability to our RA Application Form.

Directed Studies or Honours Students

Please note, we will not be recruiting new honours students for Winter 2024/2025.

Please note, Research Assistants who are volunteering in our lab are given preference for directed studies/honours thesis projects. If you are interested in a Directed Studies course or in completing an Honour’s Thesis in the Perfectionism and Psychotherapy Lab, please email a statement of your interest, your unofficial transcripts, and your resume/cv to hewittlab@psych.ubc.ca.

Please refer to the research page to learn more about the current research projects conducted in our lab.

Prospective Graduate Students

Please note, Dr. Hewitt will not be accepting new graduate students for the 2025/2026 academic year.

Dr. Hewitt accepts graduate students in either the Clinical Psychology Program or the Social/Personality Program at UBC.

Potential graduate students interested in working in the Perfectionism and Psychotherapy Lab should have a strong interest in research and, if the student is applying to the clinical program, a strong interest in clinical work. Most successful applicants have had undergraduate research experience, such as authorship on papers, presentations at conferences, or volunteer experience in research laboratories. For prospective clinical psychology graduate students, experience in the clinical domain of some sort is also important.